Monday, December 5, 2011

bakes and cakes 3

i have not been updating for quite some time, lots of photos but not in the right notebook

red velvet cake
red velvet kids loves this more than the cake
peanut butter cupcake with caramel buttercream
the texture resembles  moist chocolate cake, dense and moist, yummy

jelly pelangi, recipe taken from my cousin. when it comes to jelly, i'm a beginner as i don't like jelly in general but my kids loves it, guess i'll be making this again, but need to stick to fewer colours or use more jelly.


Shasrine said...

Thanks kak ayie for the mention. Jadi tak your jelly tu?

ezlin said...

jelly tu the first layer tak lekat and ada layer yg dah start keras bila nak tuang, yg penting alia n irfan suka n habiskan within a day, mmg kena buat lagi nanti.