Tuesday, May 31, 2011

cuti-cuti langkawi

lcct @ 6.10am..punyalah ramai..queue nak xray baggage bukan main panjang...nasib baiklah dah buat web check in sesiang..

 while waiting for flight..
 dlm flight..irfan sits with me and alia with DH

 morning in langkawi
 first destination after sewa keta...cable car
 cable car pun belum start lagi...makan ice-cream dulu

 first station
second station...lepas tu terus check in hotel and both of us tido..i had a terrible headache and DH had gastric, dah beli cup noodles the kids pandai le entertain themselves, ptg baru kluar shopping

 dinner...appetite still have not recover..mkn nasi goreng share with DH

Sunday, May 8, 2011

mother's day

pagi -pagi dah keluar sebab nak dapat parking dgn senang. jalan 2 till lunch time.

 while waiting for the food..irfan sibuk main game
 angus steak for DH
 spaghetti pesto with prawns for me...yummy2
 choc lava cake with vanilla ice ceam for irfan
 gnocchi with cream sauce for alia
sedap2 semuanya..thanks for treat DH..nanti father's day i belanja pulak ye..