Monday, November 30, 2009

raya haji 2009

 only 3 of us this raya...papa next year masuk balik dalam gambar tau...

 self potrait sbb tak puas hati gambar raya kat not good

macam biasa..lepas solat raya...tengok tv..irfan plak..minum susu..masa kat masjid dah lapar..sib baik tak bising2

visit to zoo melaka

 baru sampai zoo..check out hotel terus ke zoo...sampai around 11.30am..matahari dah naik...but not too hot yet
 my little pony...irfan suka tengok tapi takut nak pegang
 ajak irfan naik kuda pun tak mama naik dengan alia...nak naik gajah wrong timing lak...have to wait till 2.30pm...tak yah time ye alia
this time suma dah penat..dah satu round zoo jalan..sib baik bawak stroller irfan..cik yani la paling penat sbb kena tolak stroller...hehe..dah jom balik kampung..esok nak raya

puteri resort holiday

 kepenatan baru lepas check in...i have to drive from our home, isi minyak, pam angin, antar tintin boarding then all the way to air keroh. Bila masuk tol ebor baru perasan touch n go ada 2.70 je...kuar balik next toll, top up, baru masuk highway balik.
 mama plak amik gambar alia
then gambar usual first thing is on the tv..carik cartoon channel..takde cartoon, tengok mr bean pun okla

 just before going into the pool..main kat play area dulu..kalu dah mandi pool dah takde le nak main-main ni
 mama..bestla mama mandi kat air tu..
 naik slide...irfan first time naik slide...terus naik slide tak henti..i have to wait in front of the slide to catch him. adala dalam 50 kali dia naik slide kat atas ni..ptg ni je...esok pagi naik lagi 30 kali
 mama...irfan nak naik lagi slide tu ma, mama jagakan irfan tau
 slide for baby/toddler
just before check to the zoo

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

irfan and rambutan

one afternoon, irfan saw rambutans in front of gramdma's house and tried to reach it but it was too high for him

he started to look for kayu to reach the rambutan

he used the top of the rake

the whole thing

in the end..berjaya jugak..eventhough  the rambutan that he pick is not ripen yet and he took it without the next door neighbour permission..