Monday, March 29, 2010

deena's birthday

the sweet birthday girl

lucky draw....irfan dapat

kakak main game...note that irfan is not around..
  coz this is what he was doing

tak puas hati unless he know what's inside
meanwhile, kaka's game dah tinggal 5  orang je...

then there were 3

waah..kakak pun dapat hadiah

tiup lilin time...

irfan's birthday

we were short of time to celebrate irfan's birthday on the 28th Feb but did managed to prepare some party packs to be given to the neighbours i.e irfan's friends kat taman.
we went to look for the cake in 3 shops till we find a cartoon character that he can identify with. Knowing irfan, he wont get excited with cartoon pix that he doesnt know. Well...its not spiderman/batman/ultraman/superman/ironman or other superheroes but at least he enjoy watching mickey mouse.

papa lighting up the're 4 irfan...
blowing the candles
mama tolong potong kek ye...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

pangkor island beach resort

in the ferry to pangkor island

dalam bas on the way to the resort
photography session sblm mandi laut
another session
dah start mandi
our room service dinner
@ the pool the next day
 waiting for the shuttle to jetty

bye bye photo

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

enjoying otai burger

alia enjoying the chicken burger after kumon class

hmm.. sedap maa.. irfan siap order, sayur tak nak, daging nak, sos tak nak pedas...i wish he can tell that to the burger boy himself..;)