Friday, April 18, 2014

A day @ Fraser hill

This trip was actually during the 'cold' season in late January. The last time we went to Fraser Hill was probably 10 years ago. For Irfan this is the first time. We started early morning.

Berhenti sekejap amik gambar
Dah more waiting at the gap...there's one way up and one way down now. Very misty.
pose dulu
 a must to take a photo here...have to wait for your turn
 father & son
 visibility? very poor, but we are not complaining
love those hydrangeas. used to have these in my porch... bought some fridge magnets nearby
 Next stop...tasik...minta papa beli makanan ikan
Irfan enjoying himself.... Lepas bagi makan ikan we went for lunch pulak..

 posing sini pulak..
 Next stop...kebun sayur
Irfan with kobis...We dont like kobis bought still bought one...nak rasa kobis fresh from the garden, skali rasa....sedap, not like the use we are use to...rugi pulak tak beli lebih..
 Last riding for the kids
 very misty and cold here
 it's getting clearer
ok...baru nampak muka balik..jom balik...
on the way back singgah Tanjung Malim makan pau Yik Mun... what a great way to spent your Sunday


Lee said...

Hello Ezlin, wow! Always love your postings and bring back long forgotten memories to me.
The last time I was at Fraziers was hmmmm, I think early '80s.

We have a lady friend here in Toronto who was from Fraziers Hill...believe her family still there as bila dia balek kampong will go up there.

Glad to see ada mist...and cool. Your kids must be thrilled duduk kuda in the your boy wanted to be John Wayne and cry out, "YeeeeHaaa"!

I suka that signboard...siapa other lady tu?
Sekarang no more waiting at the gap stengah jam macham old days? Bagus la begitu.
One day I shall return. Used to eat lunch dekat tu post office, old days.
Have a great week, senang drop by...see how women undress in my pondok, ha ha ha.

ezlin said...

Hi Lee, glad you enjoyed the post. The kids were really excited masa naik kuda tu..glad they enjoyed themselves. Other lady? You meant my daughter???..she's tall isn't she?

Bila you nak balik sini, Lee? I know all the bloggers will give you a very warm welcome ..satu bulan makan free...hihihi.

See you later, Lee.