Saturday, August 7, 2010


i wanted to try this for quite some times already. it's just that i didn't find any cafe that sell these cute macarons till i read about whisk in empire subang. since i went there for a reunion, i stop by to get some. i was confused between macarons and macaroons till i googled them. yup, it was macarons that i wanted to bad that they didn't have any of those purple coloured/lavender flavoured ones. the ones in the photo was chocolate, pistachio (yummy), lemon strawberry and pandan.

seeing these macarons and the fact that i couldn't get enough of them made me wanted to make it myself, i mean how difficult can it be, right?, after i googled for the recipes and tips ( you have to keep the egg white at room temperature for 5-7 days (what???), grind the almond finely with some suggesting 3 times, waiting for the mixture to harden before putting it in the oven...) i decided not to. I'll just stop by more often at seems the easier choice.

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