Saturday, October 6, 2012

War museum, Penang

During the long raya break we went to Penang for my cousin's wedding. We went there a day earlier and DH decided to visit the war museum.The briefing was interesting and we made our way to 'Malaya' shortly after.
 passage way to bilik senjata and escape route
 all of us crawl inside this escape route
at the end of the route before you have to climb a very tall ladder that connects you the the outside world

it was quite high and since the kids were with us, we decided to to climb i had to 'reverse crawl' from the tunnel.

 quite a scary looking tree/place...
 at one of the dorm/room/lock up area. We also given a flashlight when we went into one of tunnel. there was another tunnel  but since there was a warning on bats at that tunnel we decided not to go in. This was a different kind of outing from what we usually went for, but it was definitely enjoyable.


Lee said...

Hi Ezlin, just dropped say hello.
I enjoyed looking thru the pics here. Very interesting.
Have fun and keep well.
Best regards.

ezlin said...

Hi Uncle Lee,

Thanks for dropping by.Glad you like the pics.
