the first time camping experience for the kids, went to camp abc at janda baik
muka- muka excited, khemah Alia& irfan, our khemah is facing theirs
dah ready nak mandi, siap pakai goggles lagi...hahaha
tapi bila kena air...sejuk..irfan tak nak mandi.
last-last, pujuk punye pujuk, masuk gak..tapi tak suka bukan sebab sejuk tapi sebab batu, tak dapat nak mandi comfortably
macam dekat water park pulak tengok these guys main pelampung besar tu, wish we had that
dalam khemah, masa resting..tiba-tiba ada kertas dibaling masuk..rupa-rupanya kakak ajar irfan tulis message...pandai jugak bebudak ni kill the time bila tak de tv/notebook/tablet/wii etcpagi-pagi bangun tangkap gambar the kids soundly sleeping...i terjaga tengah malam sebab angin kuat and our khemah bergoyang2, but tanya the kids, sorang pun tak sedar
the perks of camping compared to staying in chalets, you are the closest to this beautiful view, just a several steps from our camping ground....can you see a man fishing in this photo?
papa masak breakfast
my breakfast
sebelum balik shah alam singgah dulu kat sini amik gambar
irfan marah/geram sebab kena paksa turun kereta. overall, it was ok, would be better if the weather is nicer.
kak ezlina..
best nye...having fun with kids.. gee org pahang pun blum try to manage time to come.. cantik sangat2 scenery kt camp site u all pg nie..
Gee, memang cantik, air pun bersih, kalau camping mmg dekat sgt dgn sungai, mlm tidur mmg dengar air mengalir, u should go one day.
hi.. i'm from Camp ABC.. terjumpa blog ni tadi.. thanx a lot for d review... would like to share it at our fb page.. tq
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