rolled baklava, kalu buat yang biasa nanti terbang2 pulak phyllo pastry ditiup kipas/angin
blondies, made 2 days earlier and kept in fridge
red velvet...famous betul hari tu, memang satu tray tak cukup
sardine puff pastry, ni bakar berperingkat sebab nak kasi guests makan panas2. Food yang dicater - soto ayam with bergedil, roti jala and sate.
first official guest arrived sharp at 3pm, cousin jun and her younger kids
bakri with the elder ones
neighbours pulak sampai tak lama kemudian
geng basikal kanak-kanak dah sampai
and makan
they are both my next door neighbours
neighbour belakang rumah pulak
Dh colleagues
kids..dah ambik port depan tv/wii
DH ex-schoolmate and family
nemek and pak dik's family
with my best friend..i think this is the only picture of me in my camera, memang tak sempat nak bergambar, amik gambar orang pun tak sempat nak suruh mereka berposing
baba with wafiq, kak sha and abang halim..all the way from melaka
cousin nurul with daughter
wafiq with cousin faizal's son
zul and wife, rosmadi and abg kamal
mak dik and family
huda with her sister and my sister
nahlah came with her sons (not in pic)
DH friend that he got to know in melbourne ramai lagi yang tak sempat nak ambik gambar...again, terima kasih banyak2 pada yang sudi datang |
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