Saturday, August 27, 2011

bakes and cakes for raya

 baking session started last night with blodies/congo bars
 red velvet for MIL..tapi ni gambar stok lama, yang baru buat belum ice the cake lagi, esok baru boleh, kalu tak tak de tempat nak letak dalam fridge
 choco blackcurrant cookies and kuih makmur, both cookies ni alia yang buat, i just prepare the kacang for kuih makmur and keluar/masuk oven. weighing, mixing, shaping all done by alia with my supervision
 blondies yang buat semalam, yummy! this is for bawak balik kampung

 my perennial favourite, english shortbread cookies, made some for mom as well. DH got a kuih raya hamper with about 4-5 types of cookies inside. Guess i wont be baking anymore cookies soon. Biskut kat rumah ni, kalau lepas raya dah tak laku, i guess cukuplah yang ada untuk tetamu yang datang.

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin


Anonymous said...

English shortbread yg kak ayie buat tu sedap la... Share recipe boleh?

ezlin said...

Nurul, recipe english shortbread
Tepung gandum 5oz
Tepung beras 1oz
Butter 4oz
Castor sugar 2 oz

Tepung and butter masuk food processor sampai jadi macam breadcrumb, then campur gula. Adun dan masuk dlm fridge about half hour. Canai n terap.bakar at 180c

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the recipe kak ayie