Saturday, August 27, 2011

bakes and cakes for raya

 baking session started last night with blodies/congo bars
 red velvet for MIL..tapi ni gambar stok lama, yang baru buat belum ice the cake lagi, esok baru boleh, kalu tak tak de tempat nak letak dalam fridge
 choco blackcurrant cookies and kuih makmur, both cookies ni alia yang buat, i just prepare the kacang for kuih makmur and keluar/masuk oven. weighing, mixing, shaping all done by alia with my supervision
 blondies yang buat semalam, yummy! this is for bawak balik kampung

 my perennial favourite, english shortbread cookies, made some for mom as well. DH got a kuih raya hamper with about 4-5 types of cookies inside. Guess i wont be baking anymore cookies soon. Biskut kat rumah ni, kalau lepas raya dah tak laku, i guess cukuplah yang ada untuk tetamu yang datang.

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

USS p2

 masa ni tengah tunggu papa beli lunch...masa lunch ada pulak puss in boots kat belakang tu tapi tak dan nak amik gambar

 in one of the family ride at madagascar
banyak betul mascot tinggi2 ni, macam macam pesen   
 while waiting for a ride at ancient Egypt...average time is about 20-40mins depending on popularity of the rides
 papa with 'brendan fraser'..tinggi ko..
 topi time
 suma tunggu turn je...letak je satu topi, terus yang lain capai

 papa choose the 'joker' hat
 the kids tried almost all, this is the most popular
 bila keluar sebelah petang pegi kat hersey's store pulak. then mama carik victoria's secret . too bad the lovely pink tote that i saw twice in uss was actually last year's model and they do not bring it in to singapore, kalau tak memang dah angkut satu, nak beli online melampau pulak shipping nye
stuff that we bought, t-shirts and fridge magnets, chocs, toy and vs pink for me :-)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

universal studio singapore

Just before Ramadhan we went to USS, something that we wanted to do during the school break but didn't managed to.
we stayed in JB and took a bus from our hotel to USS.

masa ni sibuk bergambar

 the first mascot we took photos with..woody woodpecker

 hollywood park..beratur amik gambar dengan charlie chaplin
 beetlejuice.. irfan tak de sebab takut nak dekat..tengok dari jauh je

 mama & irfan
 tunggu papa and alia naik cyclon roller coaster
 dah sampai ancient egypt

 baru kluar from ride
 irfan's favourite land