Friday, April 18, 2014

A day @ Fraser hill

This trip was actually during the 'cold' season in late January. The last time we went to Fraser Hill was probably 10 years ago. For Irfan this is the first time. We started early morning.

Berhenti sekejap amik gambar
Dah more waiting at the gap...there's one way up and one way down now. Very misty.
pose dulu
 a must to take a photo here...have to wait for your turn
 father & son
 visibility? very poor, but we are not complaining
love those hydrangeas. used to have these in my porch... bought some fridge magnets nearby
 Next stop...tasik...minta papa beli makanan ikan
Irfan enjoying himself.... Lepas bagi makan ikan we went for lunch pulak..

 posing sini pulak..
 Next stop...kebun sayur
Irfan with kobis...We dont like kobis bought still bought one...nak rasa kobis fresh from the garden, skali rasa....sedap, not like the use we are use to...rugi pulak tak beli lebih..
 Last riding for the kids
 very misty and cold here
 it's getting clearer
ok...baru nampak muka balik..jom balik...
on the way back singgah Tanjung Malim makan pau Yik Mun... what a great way to spent your Sunday

Friday, April 4, 2014

Holiday in Chiang Mai Pt 2

outside our hotel room...on my left
on my right...the building with the white roof is the stadium where DH watched muay Thai the night before. on Friday morning there is a morning market here.
today we took a tuktuk to go to the elephant camp...
sampai2 beli tiket..., we took the whole package -  but my mom just took the elephant show and lunch.
gajah dah start main2 with visitors

part of the show...tendang bola

close-up...the paintings were later sold to interested buyers

 then naik keta lembu
to go for the elephant ride

 elephant ride...kalau turun bukit rasa macam boleh terkeluar bawah besi tu je...pegang kuat2
 the ride along the river
 excited betul..
last skali dgn gajah before we say goodbye. We had a good lunch...halal buffet in Maetaeng  park..not sure about other elephant park though.
next activity...rafting..pakai topi yang disediakan, panas woo

journey starts...

tourists from other camp

 along the way the guide showed us a school for baby elephants...ooohh sini rupanya dia ajar gajah lukis..
 the guide amik gambar..but we are not ready at this time..there's a nicer photo taken and they sell to us later
irfan posing..finally just before we ended those two guides siap mintak tips lagi...hahaha
 next stop temple Doi Suthep....tengok tangga bukan main tinggi...dengan panas...hmmm I'd rather order and iced mocha and rest here...
 DH and irfan went up and took some photos up there, while My mom, alia & I stayed at the foot of the hill and browse the kedai. Bought some souvenirs here and wished I could buy the strawberries here to bring home... a kilo for 100 baht...murahnye...
Last photo... weather is not good..otherwise you would see chiang mai from here. Balik hotel rest malam keluar makan then my mom and I went for Thai massage. Esok pagi2 dah pegi airport. enjoyable trip!