Saturday, July 25, 2009

weekend @ thistle

spacious room overlooking the pool

a show of affection

dinner /bbq near the beach, only 3 of us coz irfan was sleeping

look at those waves...they really enjoy it

ready to go...would love to come back

Friday, July 17, 2009

birthday dinner @ tarbush

nak makan apa ni?

hmm..lets take a look at the menu...chicken,fish, seafood and several lamb dishes..i don't really like lamb so we settle for falafel, chicken briyani (very large serving), kebab (many types but all lamb base) and baklava (which everybody loves...)

did not take a single photo of the food as we were famished

irfan dah kenyang makan, can start posing here n there..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

perhentian island part 2

yummy...makan toast during dinner, tak nak nasi

irfan loves air tin...doesn't matter what drink

where we stayed

in front of their reception/souvenir shop/book rental...managed to finish reading 1 book here

waiting for our boat...back to besut. final destinatination...shah alam which we reach some 9 hours later.

Friday, July 3, 2009

perhentian island

dah puas mandi laut...just relaxing n reading

irfan still belum puas mandi...nak panjat papa pulak

alia nak blajar snorkelling..esok nak ikut papa