Tuesday, November 25, 2008

At the beach

Irfan & me at the beach.We love to play sand and swimming at the beach.

Mama pulak releks kat depan laut.Mama mesti penat.Kene tiup angin pulak tu bestnya.biaselah orang dewasa memang cam tu. suka releks kat tepi pantai.Sambil tengok pemandagan dekat tepi laut.

welcome to swiss garden damai laut!

Irfan and mama also want to take photo with orang ulu.
Tadaaaaaaa! me n orang ulu.i love orang ulu music.orang ulu have nice songs!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

at Sunway Pyramid

Tadaaaaaaa!!!! look at me like captain Alia.

tadaaaaaaaa! Irfan & me.cantik tak.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

my superhero!!!

siap pakai baju batman....
ma, batman ma......


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

nissan showroom

these are some old photos from my hanphone when we were in nissan showroom test driving the car. the kids seems to be able to entertain themselves while papa busy with the paper work stuff

nasib baik ada kids area for them to play...kalau tak pusing kepala mama nak keep the kids entertained.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

open house in pj

with hannah and aina
with the latest edition, farhan

nenek dan cucu- cucunya

part of the food yg dihidang

Saturday, November 1, 2008

kereta baru!!!

atuk pun nak cuba kereta baru.yang jenama NISSAN SYLPHY baru pulak tu

papa dan alia tengah sibuk koyakkan plastik kereta.nampak macam selesa je.memanglah sebab kereta baru.
wah bestnya dapat kereta baru.boleh ambil cik ta dan pergi jalan-jalan.

again, alia's the one who write the caption above...seems that i can pass some of my job to her...thnak you dear for helping mama.

kek hari raya (alia jugak yang tulis ni...)

ish ish ish irfan jugak yang potong kek ni. bagi lah chan dekat orang lain.tapi pandai ke irfan potong kek hmm tak tahulah.

mm yummy yummy macam sedap je.memanglah sedap sebab kek dari Secret Recepies.

soft toys collection

all soft toys here are given to alia since she was small, the only one that i bought for her are the fluffy white teddy bear at the top right hand corner. i'm giving her the opportunity to blog about it.
saya akan bagi irfan anak patung spiderman. dan saya akan ambil anak patung pooh.

irfan nak yang mana nanti akak bagi tau. lagipun akak dah besar