Monday, December 31, 2007

pahlawan square

merry christmas
and a happy new year
my oh my...this blog is already a year old on 7 time flies...welcome 2008!
may this year bring happiness, health and success! Amin...

Friday, December 14, 2007

ready to school

all new stuff for alia...still hunting for the school bags though

lunch @ ampang yong tau fu

woo...the soup's hot
yummy yummy

subang parade

with d badut...
mama look at those trees
in front of the tree...looks like a white christmas in subang parade
toys r us...a must stop @ subang parade
look at these toys, toys, toys..

it's been more than one month with no update...still no streamyx at home...can only upload photos taken from my handphone.

Monday, November 12, 2007

alor star trip

getting ready for din's nikah
upacara pembatalan air sembahyang
while waiting for unser to go for our dinner
with uncle and auntie k
the bersanding ceremony
not enough to snap all of us at one go
with the nieces and nephew

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

ostrich farm port dickson

photos with celebity "abu"
papa nak naik ostrich
atuk pun nak naik ostrich
aargh..take me down
look what's in my hand

tiara beach resort

tengokla irfan yang macho ni..
hang on tight elysha...
weee... here we come
round and round we go
cam mane nak pegang ni?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

buka puasa/ najwa's birthday @ country heights

waahhh... irfan takut tok nyang...

hi.. selamat berbuka irfan nak satay...yummy
bithday girl buat ape tu?
he he...look at me

buka puasa @ tropicana

first course - satay, ikan parin terubuk bakar, a slice of roasted beef and otak-otak
second course- bbq mussels and kepah
didn' t brimg my only survived with handphone camera...lots of food and big crowd even on weekdays